
Call: (859) 252-0808

540 East Main St., Suite 125, Lexington, KY 40508

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are fluoride treatments beneficial after my cleaning?

A: Absolutely! Fluoride helps fight against decay and is lacking from most people’s diets today. Everyone is drinking filtered or bottled water which eliminates the supplement from our water intake.

Q: My teeth are so sensitive. Is there anything you can do for that?

A: Yes. Teeth can be sensitive for many reasons, including clenching and grinding, recessed gums, trauma, and diet. All play a factor. There are many ways to prevent or treat sensitivity. The most important way is to have an exam to rule out dental disease like decay (cavities). Then, we can help give options to minimize sensitivity.

Q: I never used to have tooth problems, but the older I get, I seem to have more. Is that normal?

A: Dental issues range from simple to complex problems. It is true that teeth age as we age and can show wear and tear. A routine exam can help assess and maintain your smile for years.

Q: My mouth seems so dry lately.

A: There are many factors contributing to dry mouth ― medications being one of the biggest. There are things you can do to eliminate or to help dry mouth. Water is our best friend and if you have recent changes, ask us to help identify those markers that may be contributing to your dry mouth.

Q: What age should I start my children with dental cleanings?

A: Each child is definitely unique in their ability to sit for a dental visit. The general rule is two-to-four years of age, and it is best to start the visit with a parent or a trusted adult. The child then gets to visually adapt to the setting and the experience before being expected to participate.

Q: What happens if my child has an accident and bumps their tooth (e.g., bike accident, sports incident, fall, etc.)?

A: The best thing to do is to have the child come in for a doctor check. Even if the teeth don’t seem disrupted, it is best to confirm this with an X-ray. If the tooth is completely avulsed or knocked out, soak the tooth in milk, reinsert the tooth into the socket, and call Dr. Corbett immediately.

Q: Are silver fillings really dangerous to have, and should they be replaced?

A: Amalgam “silver” fillings are fine if they are healthy and smooth. Once they start breaking down or chipping, it is best that they be changed to keep the remaining structure of the tooth from being affected. High powered suction is always used in these procedures.

Q: Does my insurance pay for a portion or for all of my procedures?

A: Insurance can be very tricky, and you should always check with your provider to see what they will and will not cover as per your specific benefits. We do our best to aid you in understanding your insurance, but insurance policies and coverage can change without warning, so it is best to read the fine print to understand what your insurance allows.

Q: Is it really necessary to have X-rays taken?

A: Yes! X-rays are a necessary tool for diagnosing problems. Most decay starts in between the teeth where clinical exams cannot always be used for detection. Many other tooth problems occur below the gum tissue making the X-rays even more important for troubleshooting, as well as for diagnosing.

Q: Are the X-rays dangerous due to excessive radiation?

A: No. Digital X-rays contain very little radiation, and the digital unit we use has 95% less radiation than traditional X-ray units. We use every precaution to make the exposure time as short as possible.